Cancel an order

Pre-ordered items may be cancelled at any time before payment is captured during the fulfillment process. In-stock items may be cancelled for up to 60 minutes after the order is confirmed at checkout. For HASLAB Crowdfunded order cancellations, click here for more information. There is no fee for any cancellations.

Note: All cancellations are final and once an item is removed from an order for any reason, it cannot be restored.

  1. Log into your account and locate the order in question from Order History under the My Account section. Select View Details for the order.
  2. After viewing the details, you may see cancellation options on the right-hand side of the screen. You may or may not have these options visible depending on the eligibility of the order.
  3. Select either Cancel Order or Cancel Open Items and confirm your selection(s).
  4. A confirmation email will be sent detailing the cancellation.